
About.com's Exercise of the Week~Love this set of exercises!

pilates exercise

I promised you we would do some serious working out in the new year, and now I post something about footwork? Guess what? This set is serious ab and leg work. If your Pilates powerhouse went on vacation the past few weeks, it's going to have to come back quick.

Learn the Pilates Reformer Footwork Series on the Mat

Have the Exercise of the Week, along with other great Pilates info, sent directly to you each week in the Free Pilates Newsletter.

I'm so excited to share this post with you. If you aren't subscribed to get these latest workouts when she posts them, do yourself a favor and get on her mailing list. About.com always has great ways to fit pilates into your life. This is one of my personal favorites. I love doing Reformer on the Mat workouts and can't wait to share with my own pilates students!

Posted via web from Anne's posterous

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