
Long time ....

It's been a long year since I posted on this blog and I'm starting to feel that rumbling again to express myself in music. I spent the 2 years really focused on studying, certifying, and teaching pilates. The skill set is so different from anything that I've ever done. For those who know me, they know how obsessed I get with learning certain things...it wasn't enough for me to take pilates. I decided I needed to teach it and work as a pilates instructor. I have now accomplished that and teach at a small studio in Santa Monica named M2 Pilates.

Of course, now that I've certified and am teaching regularly, my passion for performance and production are back -- so watch out!

Upcoming projects include:
1/A complete annemillermusic website overhaul -- anyone with web experience who wants to help, let me know!
2/Bring my offline blog LIVE...I've been playing around with iweb but have yet to post anything! I feel like Creed from the office with my fake blog no one can ever visit!
3/Finish my video resume - translation: hosting/producing reel.
4/Finish reading Getting Things Done!

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