
Which Way To Muscle Beach?

I know this happened...what weeks ago?? Dinner at Thai's - prepared by the lovely Amy - met up with the infamous Mike Kitchen of Meteor Studios fame (he'll hate me for saying that!) and his bro! It was a reunion to end all reunions. We ate lots of homecooked Mexican food, played Wii, and watched the Visualizer on Thai's new iMac.

Mike and his brother were in town shooting a film. Their comic books/convention booth were featured. Check out their site and buy their shiz: Ultraist Studios.


Orangina anyone?

Found this online tonight...always interesting to see different cultures take on effective advertising...


You may be wondering where I've been hiding for the past few days...well...sadly, I have been consumed with the installation/ugrade/fiasco of the Leopard OS onto my powerbook. At some point last week, I had the bright idea of upgrading ram and OS onto my pretty much antiquated powerbook system which was purchased in March of 2004. Ok, I might be exaggerating. The computer works, I love it...and I used to have final cut pro on it from a past job. Keywords...used to. After trying to do an upgrade of my system and then spending hours combing apple forums, mac fixit forums, you name it forums...I knew what I would eventually be forced to do.

I tried to be unemotional about the whole thing. Step one - backup as much as possible using Toast - one of the only apps that worked post Leopard upgrade. Step two - find all my install discs for my apps. Step three - call Apple support for one last confirmation that this is what I needed to do. Step four - call Denis to cry one last time about the loss of Photoshop CS and Final Cut Pro. Step five - choose Erase & Install Leopard.

It's sad that I have such an attachment to data and applications. Part of me wondered how elated I could feel if I backed up nothing and proceeded with the erase of my hard drive. A fresh start. A new me! Wow, it's like first day of school again! But I couldn't let the settings, the docs, the pictures, the music - or any of it go! It's disturbing to realize that you are a digital packrat in addition to a RL packrat. Thanks Mom...I blame you! I joke...I kid...I kid...kind of.

Now, that the Leopard install is complete, I do feel a sense of calm. In fact, I might not reinstall some of that data I spent so much time backing up! Or...I'll do it a little bit at a time, so I don't feel my hard drive closing in on me again.

One last note...I believe I did this upgrade for one reason only...I'll admit to it, so I can start dealing with this sickness...So, here goes. I really liked the new iCal and wanted the upgrade. Smack me please.


Vegas Baby Vegas!

My maternal instinct is so strong that I felt a prenatal visit to Sin City would be a learning experience for the growing bean in my tummy. We got to meet up with my mom and both my sisters -- an occasion that happens at about the same frequency as well...well, it doesn't happen very often. Here we are in all of our glory! I'm the one with the M & M bag and the protruding belly.

Feel free to click on the photo and check out other images from our little vacation in Vegas. You'll see what other characters we met up with during the weekend!


Artist Spotlight :)

Strange Dolls
I knew Beth when we were growin' up in rural Vermont. She always had a creative spirit about her and it's not surprising to see that she created these haunting and mesmerizing dolls!

Check them out!


Happy Monday

Up a bit too early but realized I have been meaning to post the 2 following videos (actually there are 3, but the 3rd I'm saving for now)!

A good friend and past co-worker of ours did these 2 short films with his current coworkers!

Great Job Karly!


A whale of a time...

Our friends Miae and Dennis live in Wellington, NZ....This is such a cool video and they were there to see it live! They are the first 2 people you see in the foreground as the camera pans towards the water...in their scuba gear!
Miae and Dennis, we promise to get down to see you sometime soon!


Long time ....

It's been a long year since I posted on this blog and I'm starting to feel that rumbling again to express myself in music. I spent the 2 years really focused on studying, certifying, and teaching pilates. The skill set is so different from anything that I've ever done. For those who know me, they know how obsessed I get with learning certain things...it wasn't enough for me to take pilates. I decided I needed to teach it and work as a pilates instructor. I have now accomplished that and teach at a small studio in Santa Monica named M2 Pilates.

Of course, now that I've certified and am teaching regularly, my passion for performance and production are back -- so watch out!

Upcoming projects include:
1/A complete annemillermusic website overhaul -- anyone with web experience who wants to help, let me know!
2/Bring my offline blog LIVE...I've been playing around with iweb but have yet to post anything! I feel like Creed from the office with my fake blog no one can ever visit!
3/Finish my video resume - translation: hosting/producing reel.
4/Finish reading Getting Things Done!